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About the ENT

The ENT Department offers specialized care for conditions affecting the ear, nose, throat, and head and neck region. Our services include both medical and surgical treatments, with expertise in minimally invasive endoscopic and microscopic procedures. We cater to patients of all ages, ensuring comprehensive care for ENT-related disorders.



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Your Hearing and Sinus Solutions



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ENT Services

Treatment and Procedure

Snoring occurs when air flows causes relaxed tissues in the throat to vibrate while breathing. Most of us snore while sleeping, but for some people it can be a chronic problem indicating a serious health condition. Snoring can be controlled or stopped by changes in lifestyle such as avoiding alcohol close to bedtime, losing weight or sleeping on your side. Medication and surgery too are available reduce and stop disruptive snoring. Symptoms of snoring is linked with a sleep disorder called obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). A patient should consult an ENT specialist if a patient has the following symptoms with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) Long breathing pauses during sleep Abnormal Daytime sleepiness Lack of Concentration Early Morning Headaches Sore throat after sleep Improper Sleep Gasping for breath at night High blood pressure Chest pain at night

Sinus condition is when the cavities around the nasal cavities are inflamed. Sinusitis is usually caused by a virus, bacteria, or rarely fungus and persists for a longer period of time. In some sinus conditions allergies, nasal polyps, and tooth infections can cause sinusitis. Common symptoms include headache, facial pain, runny nose and nasal congestion. Medication includes pain medication, nasal decongestants and nasal saline rinses. In some chronic cases antibiotics are administered.

Mouth breathing is one of the common found problem in children. Its important for parents to look out for signs of mouth breathing in children as the child may not be able to communicate for any symptoms. Most cases of mouth breathing occurs when nasal airway is completely blocked or partially blocked. Partially or completely blocked nose may be due to nasal congestion caused by allergies, cold, sinus infection, enlarged tonsils, the shape of the nose, the shape and size of the jaw, growth of tissue in the nose lining and tumor. Common symptoms with mouth breathing are large tonsils, lack of concentration, irritated behavior, sleepless nights, daytime sleepiness to name a few. Treatment for mouth breathing depends on the cause and medications include nasal decongestants, antihistamines and steroid nasal sprays. In some cases minor surgery is also recommended.

ENT Cancer or Ear, Nose, Throat Cancer is also called as head and neck cancers. ENT cancers affect soft tissue organs in the head and neck region. The most common form of ear, nose and throat cancer are Nasopharyngeal cancer, thyroid cancer, and lymphoid cancer. Signs and symptoms of ENT cancer are lump in the neck, nose bleeding, ulcer in the mouth, difficulty in swallowing and pain or blockage in the ear. We recommend you to go in for a detailed check up with an ENT specialist for the mentioned signs and symptoms. ENT cancers can be treated successfully, if diagnosed early. Surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy are the main treatments for ENT cancers. The treatment option is decided by the doctor according to the type and extent of the cancer. Nasopharyngeal Cancer: Treatment of nasopharyngeal Cancer is usually done by radiotherapy and chemotherapy given over an interval of several weeks. Surgery is not recommended with this type of cancer because of the location in the back of the nose. Thyroid Cancer: Treatment of thyroid cancer is done by Surgical procedure as the affected cancerous part is to be removed and and any involved lymph nodes in the neck. Radioactive iodine treatment via capsule or liquid form is often recommended for several weeks after surgery to clear remaining cancer cells in the body. Lymphoma: Treatment of lymphoma is done by chemotherapy as it occurs throughout the whole body, in the lymph system. Radiotherapy may be recommended if the cancer is affected with one part of the body. Medication is the other form of treatments such as antibody or immunotherapy.

Nosebleeds are common among adults and children and is caused by the loss of blood from the tissue that lines the inside of nose. It may look scary but rarely indicates a serious condition. Most nosebleeds don’t require medical attention but nosebleed lasting longer than 20 minutes, or after an injury required medical attention. Frequent nose bleeds may be the sign of other medical problems too. Self treatment is recommended for nosebleeds by sitting upright, leaning slightly forward and pinching both nostrils shut for 5 to 10 minutes may help stop nose bleeding. Doctors intervention is required when nose bleeding continues for more than 20 minutes and shows signs of breathlessness or vomiting sensation due to swallowing of larger amount of blood.

Hearing loss can be condition of partial and total inability to hear sounds. Aging and exposure to loud noises contribute to hearing loss. Other factors, such as excessive earwax, head trauma, virus, autoimmune inner ear disease, heredity, malformation of the inner ear and tumors cause hearing loss. Signs and symptoms of hearing loss are muffling of speech and other sounds, difficulty understanding words, trouble hearing, frequently asking others to speak more slowly, clearly and loudly, needing to turn up the volume of the television or radio, withdrawal from conversations and avoidance of some social settings. Treatment of hearing loss is based on the underlying cause of hearing loss. Medications includes antibiotics and ear drops will help resolve blockage by ear wax etc. To some patients hearing aid helps by amplifying sounds. In some cases surgery is recommended for any defect in the ear like Myringotomy, Tympanoplasty, Stapedectomy and Cochlear implants. Surgeon choose the best surgical procedure depending on the cause of hearing loss. Myringotomy: During this procedure, fluid behind the ear drum is removed caused by ear infection. Tympanoplasty: During this procedure, repair of the perforated eardrum is done by inserting a graft into the ear drum though incision made into the ear canal. Stapedectomy: replaces the damaged stapes bone with a prosthetic device. Cochlear implants: These are small, complex electronic device that can help to provide a sense of sound to a person who is profoundly deaf or severely hard-of-hearing. The implant consists of an external portion that sits behind the ear and a second portion that is surgically placed under the skin.

Tonsillitis is an infection between two masses of tissue at the back of your throat called as tonsils. These two masses act as filter to germs entering into the airways preventing infection. Tonsillitis are mostly common in children and are of 3 types. Tonsullitis is of 3 types - Acute tonsillitis - These symptoms can last from 4 days to 2 weeks. - Recurrent tonsillitis - Tonsillitis occurs several times in a year. - Chronic tonsillitis - This is when you have a long-term tonsil infection. Treatment: Tonsillitis is treated by medicines and in some cases surgically. Medications includes administaring penicillin or any other antibiotic for a period of 10 days. Surgical treatment is recommended for frequently recurring tonsillitis, chronic tonsillitis or bacterial tonsillitis which dont respond to antibiotic treatment.

Coughing is a natural phenomenon thats keeps your lungs and airways clear for aby obstruction. Normal coughing is not bothersome but persistent coughing may be realted to illness or symptoms to other diseases. There are 3 types of coughs which are acute cough, subacute cough and chronic cough. Acute Cough: This type of cough is caused by cold, sinus infection, fle, bronchitis which lasts about 3 weeks. The cough ca be both dry and wet cough with mucus. Subacute Cough: This type of cough is caused by infection from other illnesses such as asthma, bronchitis. Treatment of subacute cough is based on the severity of the symptoms. Most subacute cough get cure on its own and typically lasts for 3 to 8 weeks. Chronic Cough: Chronic coughs is caused by illness such as asthma, smoking, lung cancer, gastroesophageal disease and allergies. These can last up to 8 weeks. Doctors depend on a variety of tests before going in with treatment procedure. Treatment is based on finding the right cause of the cough. Treatment includes antihistamines and decongestants.

Headache is the most common illness. Most headaches come and go without the need for medical intervention problems, but some headaches are caused by ENT problems such as sinusitis, tonsillitis and ear infections which needs medical intreevention. In many cases, managing the symptoms and causes of these issues can alleviate headaches. Sinusitis: Sinus condition is when the cavities around the nasal cavities are inflamed. Sinusitis is usually caused by a virus, bacteria, or rarely fungus and persists for a longer period of time. In some sinus conditions allergies, nasal polyps, and tooth infections can cause sinusitis. Common symptoms include headache, facial pain, runny nose and nasal congestion. Medication includes pain medication, nasal decongestants and nasal saline rinses. In some chronic cases antibiotics are administered. Ear infections tend to cause pain in the ears and radiate to other parts of the body as headaches and muscular pain. Treatment includes antibiotics to treat ear infections. With some recurrent infections its reommended to consult an ENT specialist.

Ear infections are common in children, and adults too get them. Ear infection causes pain and discomfort, but middle ear infections can lead to many complications. A middle ear infection happends due to viral or bacterial growth between the ear drums. This growth leads to severe pain and discomfort leading to complications such as persistent allergy, upper respiratory infections, dysfunctional Eustachian Tubes and congenital Health Conditions Symptoms And Signs of ear infection are ear pain with mild to severe intensity, iching, fluid drainage from ear, dizziness, fever, cough and stuffy nose. Treatment: The ENT specialist looks out for the cause of ear infection and its severity. Antibiotics are typically prescribed by doctors after waiting to see if the infection clears on its own.

Vertigo or Balance problems makes you feel dizzy, unsteady, or lightheaded. Most of the patients feel that the the the room is spinning or going to fall down while lying down, sitting or standing. During vertigo or balance problems muscles, bones, joints, eyes, the balance organ in the inner ear, nerves, heart and blood vessels aren't functioning well, so the patient experiences balance problems. Most common balance problems is from issues in your balance organ in the inner ear (vestibular system). Treatment depends on the cause of your balance problems which includes medications, therapies, lifestyle changes and surgery.

Foreign Body-Nose, Ear, throat is mostly found with infants or young child putting object in their ears, nose, or mouth. Children swallow objects through mouth or breathed into the lungs making it hard to hear or breathe and can cause infection. When an object is swallowed or inhaled, the child is given general anesthesia and a procedure is followed to remove it. Foreign bodies in the ear canal can be anything like food, insect, toys, buttons etc were the child pushs into their ear. Objects such as food or insects can cause pain in the ear, redness or drainege. Other objects can cause hearing impairment because of the blocking the ear canal. The treatment for removing the foreign bodies by instruments such as long, thin tweezers or forceps may be put in the ear to grab and remove object. In somecases magnets are used pull our metal objects. Medication is prescribed to treat ear infections due to foreign bodies in the ear.

Voice and swallowing difficulty are disorders that affect a person’s ability to speak or normal activities like eating and drinking. Voice and swallowing problems can affect people of all ages and are rarely life-threatening. The most common voice and swalling disorders are dysphagia, chronic cough, chronic laryngitis, paralyzed vocal folds, spasmodic dysphonia, laryngopharyngeal reflux and Zenker’s diverticulum. Symptoms of voice problems, swallowing difficulty are unexpected or sudden loss of breath or ability to speak, hoarseness, trouble eating, voice changes and weight loss. Treatment options includes medication, lifestyle changes, speech therapy and sugery.

Fibre-optic assessment of obstructive sleep apnea to determine levels of obstruction Sleep study in fully equipped sleep laboratory Surgical correction for snoring and obstructive sleep apnea. Functional endoscopic sinus surgery - Minimally Invasive surgical treatment Surgeries for snoring and sleep apnea using collation. Endoscopic surgery of nose and sinuses, for sinusitis and deviated nasal septum. Microscopic ear surgeries for chronic ear discharge, perforation in ear drum and hearing loss. Microscopic /endoscopic laryngeal surgeries for voice change, hoarseness, vocalcord polyp & tumors. Neck surgeries for swellings and tumors in the neck. Endoscopic skull base surgeries (Pituitary & Clival tumors, CSF leak repair) Endoscopic surgery of lacrimal sac, Endoscopic orbital and optic nerve decompression.


Meet our team

The ENT Department at Sunrise Hospital has specialist doctors and surgeons trained in the medical and surgical treatment of the ears, nose, throat, and related structures of the head and neck, in patients of all ages.


Frequently Asked Questions Answered

ENT specialists diagnose and treat a wide range of conditions related to the ear, nose, throat, and related structures of the head and neck. This includes, but is not limited to, hearing loss, ear infections, balance disorders, tinnitus, sinusitis, nasal congestion, allergies, tonsillitis, voice and swallowing disorders, and head and neck cancers.

You should consider seeing an ENT specialist if you experience chronic or acute problems with your ears, nose, throat, or related areas, such as persistent earaches, hearing loss, nasal congestion, sinus infections, voice changes, or swallowing difficulties. Additionally, if you have been referred by your primary care doctor for specific symptoms or conditions affecting these areas, an ENT specialist can provide the expertise you need.

During your first visit, the ENT specialist will review your medical history and perform a physical examination focused on your ENT-related symptoms. Depending on your condition, the doctor might use specific tools to look into your ears, nose, and throat. Diagnostic tests, such as hearing tests (audiograms) or imaging studies (like CT

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