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About the General and Laparoscopic Surgery

The Department of General and Laparoscopic Surgery is a center of excellence for minimally invasive procedures. Equipped with state-of-the-art surgical technology, our team provides advanced care for hernia surgeries, laparoscopic cancer surgeries, and other general surgical needs. Our goal is to ensure quick recovery and minimal discomfort for our patients.



Comprehensive Surgical Expertise



Advanced Surgical Technologies and Techniques



Patient-Centered Care and Multidisciplinary Collaboration

General and Laparoscopic Surgery Services

Treatment and Procedure

Bariatric (Obesity) Surgeries - for weight reduction for morbid obesities surgeries like; Gastric Banding, Sleeve Gastrectomy, Bypass. Diabetic & Metabolic surgeries - for diabesity and lean type 2 diabetes as Sleeve Gastrectomy & Ileal interposition. Cancer surgeries for colon, stomach ca. Diagnostic Laparoscopy - for undiagnosed troublesome abdominal diseases. Hernia Repair, TAPP, TEP, hiatus hernia, dual mesh repair for ventral hernias and repair of other kinds of hernia. Cholecystectomy - removal of diseased gall bladder CBD Exploration - for common bile duct stones Fundoplication - for gastro-esophageal reflux disease Appendicectomy - removal of diseased appendix Duodenal ulcer perforation closure Selective Vagotomy - for peptic ulcer disease Gastrostomy - for palliative management of late stage upper G.I. carcinoma Colostomy - for malignant and benign diseases of colon Jejunostomy - for feeding Gastro-jejunostomy - for Gastric Outlet Obstruction Pyloroplastic Procedure - for treatment of Gastric Outlet Obstruction. Heller's Cardiomyotomy - for achalasia cardia. Adrenalectomy - removal of adrenal gland for malignant and benign diseases. Splenectomy - for removal of diseased spleen. Liver Biopsy - for benign and malignant liver disease Subtotal Liver Resection - for benign liver diseases onlye Adhesiolysis - for small bowel adhesions Rectal Prolapse repair Thoracoscopy - for pneumothorax, empyema, lung resection for metastasis. Endocrine surgeries- Endoscopic Thyroidectomy,adrenalectomy, resection of pancreas

Cosmetic surgeries Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) Liposuction Hemorrhoid (piles) surgery - Stapler Hemorrhoidectomy, LASER, Cryo, Harmonic hemorrhoidectomy. Others Varicose vein surgeries Breast surgery Head and neck & Parotid surgeries

With the advent of Minimally Invasive Surgery, also called Band-Aid Surgery, General Surgery has become extremely convenient. Benefits of this form of surgery are : Smaller incisions (Key Hole) (usually 0.5-1.5cm). Less post operative discomfort. Quicker recovery. Shorter Hospital stays. Quicker return to full activity. Smaller Scars. Less internal scarring compared to standard open surgery.

ETO, Flash

3 chip Digital Camera, Medical Monitors

Hernonic Scapel (Johnson & Johnson, USA), Ligasure (Valley Lab)

Horus Extend, Transport Ventilators, ABG Machines. Separate Orthopedic, Neurosurgery, Gynecology, Trauma Intensive Care areas Centralized Medical Gas facility High-end Microscope (Carl Zeiss) MIS makes surgical procedures more accurate and less painful Adopt a Minimally Invasive procedure for your varied surgical needs Talk to your doctor today

For weight reduction for morbid obesities surgeries like; Gastric Banding, Sleeve Gastrectomy, Bypass

For diabesity and lean type 2 diabetes as Sleeve Gastrectomy & Ileal interposition.

For undiagnosed troublesome abdominal diseases.

Removal of diseased gall bladder

For common bile duct stones

For gastro-esophageal reflux disease

Removal of diseased appendix

For peptic ulcer disease

For palliative management of late stage upper G.I. carcinoma

For malignant and benign diseases of colon

For feeding

For Gastric Outlet Obstruction

For treatment of Gastric Outlet Obstruction

For achalasia cardia

Removal of adrenal gland for malignant and benign diseases

For removal of diseased spleen

For benign and malignant liver disease

For benign liver diseases only

For small bowel adhesions

For pneumothorax, empyema, lung resection for metastasis.

Endoscopic Thyroidectomy,adrenalectomy, resection of pancreas

Cosmetic surgeries, Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), Liposuction, Hemorrhoid (piles) surgery, Varicose vein surgeries, Breast surgery, Head and neck & Parotid surgeries,


Meet our team


Frequently Asked Questions Answered

Following specific eating and drinking instructions before surgery. Stopping certain medications as advised by your surgeon. Arranging for someone to drive you home post-surgery. Planning for recovery time at home. Your surgical team will provide detailed instructions tailored to your specific procedure.

All surgeries carry some risk, which may include infection, bleeding, reactions to anesthesia, and complications specific to the type of surgery being performed. Your surgeon will discuss these risks with you in detail, helping you to weigh the benefits against the potential risks.

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